Christian Service
Oh, God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; when I have work, help me to remember the jobless; when I have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer; And remembering, Help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted.
Our Goal:
To bring the healing hand of Christ to those in need, the prophetic voice of the prophets to those in power, and the Gospel message of love, justice, and peace to an often suffering world.
Our Mission:
Our Lady of Grace Christian Service Commission coordinates the efforts of the parish to serve those with needs, to advocate for social justice and to educate the parish in the social teachings of the Church.
Our Membership is made up of Representatives of Various Working Groups:
Rosemary Lancaster, Chairperson
Fr. Dan Fox, Pastor
Chris Streeter, Handy Helpers Liaison
Kathy Nogaski, Midland County Pantry Coordinator & Secretary
Kathy Ranck, Women's Guild Liaison and Pastoral Council Liaison
Marybeth Stuart, Education Liaison
Anne Stube, Gladwin County Pantry C0-Coordinator
Rita Wilcox, Gladwin County Pantry C0-Coordinator
Donna Wissmueller, Parish Health Liaison
Roles and Relationships
Our Christian Service Commission provides direction and coordination for social ministry efforts of the parish. Some groups and services under the umbrella of social ministry include:
Emergency Need Referrals
Home/Hospital Visitation
Inter-Parish Hospitality
Outreach to the Poor
Outreach to the Elderly
Respect Life Activities
Peace & Justice Initiatives
Information for Healthy Lives
For more information, contact: Rosemary Lancaster at