Education & Evangelization Commission
If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire
- St. Catherine of Sienna
The goal of the Education and Evangelization Commission is to provide quality, educational programs for all ages, to instruct and promote our Catholic faith within our parish community while also reaching outside our parish to invite people to believe in Jesus Christ as Catholics, or renew their Catholic faith, and to equip Catholics with the tools to further this invitation. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month with additional ad hoc committee meetings as needed. New members are approved by the members of the Commission and ratified by the Parish Council. Members should be prepared to assist on events and projects agreed to by the Commission.
Current membership includes:
Education Commission: Fr. Dan Fox, Amy Boxey, Kent Boxey, Anne House, Deb McGraw (secretary), Ellie Morse, Jeff Onifer, Laura Scheibert, Marybeth Stuart (Chair) and Bonnie Tappen
Evangelization Commission: Amy Boxey, Mary Brewer, Ceil Duley, Elaine Murphy, Pat Murphy, Chris Streeter, Sue Streeter, Marybeth Stuart (Chair), Cindy Wenzlick, and Russ Wenzlick
Contact: Marybeth Stuart at 687-5657 ext. 4 or
Some of the activities initiated by the Education and Evangelization Commission are:
Alpha Course
"Ask Fr. Dan" evening
Bulletin: Question of the Week
Dynamic Catholic book give-away
"Faith & Fellowship" - Sunday mornings between Masses
Franciscan Evenings" w/Fr. Dan Crosby, OFM, Cap. and Fr. Tom Nguyen, OFM, Cap. (Lent 2016)
"G.I.F.T." classes (Growing in Faith Together) on Wednesday mornings and evenings
"Joy of the Gospel" w/Fr. Dan Crosby, OFM, Cap. (OCT2015)
Lending Library
Lighthouse CDs
Man-to-Man gatherings
Rest & Renewal Retreat (AUG2017)
Wild Goose Series (SEPT2018)
Women's Bible Studies